Self-Disclosure: A Psychological Analysis

Volume 6 Issue 4
Serhat Arslan
Pages: 453-455 Download Count : 1738 View Count: 1822 DOI Number 10.24331/ ijere.1010942 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


Self-disclosure is defined as the process of expressing one's feelings and thoughts about oneself to others. It is now extensively studied by social and clinical psychologists interested in self-disclosure, interpersonal communication and close relationships. Questions about why people self-disclose have led to significant research and theory generation over the years. Little attention has been paid, however, to the potential biological underpinnings of this complex behavior. Although situational factors have a significant impact on communication patterns in close relationships, individual differences can be observed even in the face of strong social-situational stimuli. Self-disclosure is seen as a healthy personality structure and sign. It appears to be a relatively stable personality trait associated with positive personality traits. The aim of this research is to examine the concept of self-disclosure from a psychological perspective.


  • Self-Disclosure
  • disclosure
  • analysis
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