How Covid-19 Pandemic Might Lead to Appreciating Pedagogies Driven By The Multiplicity of Intelligence: A Case of the Ugandan Experience

Volume 6 Issue 4
Peter Ssenkusu Cornelius Ssempala John Mary Vianney Mitana
Pages: 355-368 Download Count : 1350 View Count: 1421 DOI Number . Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


While the Covid-19 pandemic has devastated education institutional programmes and activities for the last one year, it might also present opportunities for new knowledge and paradigm within education. In this paper, we discuss the Covid-19 pedagogies and their effect on the traditional educational system anchored on logic and universality. To do this, we start by highlighting the Covid-19 pandemic and how it has impacted education especially in low-resourced contexts and then give a historical overview of the conceptualisation of intelligence. The historical overview underscores how over centuries, the concept of intelligence has been influenced by the left-brain teaching and learning strategies and how this has impacted how teachers teach and the entire teaching and learning system. By explaining the cultural and social aspects of intelligence, we underscore the multiplicity of intelligence as opposed to its unidimensional conception. We then expound on how Covid-19 pandemic has widened opportunities for new conceptions of intelligence within education through introducing new ways of teaching and learning which are student-centred, community and local resource focused, further justifying the need for creativity and innovation. We conclude that while the Covid-19 pandemic has presented serious challenges to educational programmes, it has also presented opportunities for new conceptions of intelligence and the need to appraise the modern epistemology which has characterised education in low-resourced contexts for centuries


  • Intelligence
  • philosophy of education
  • Covid-19 pedagogies
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