Factors Affecting Female Students’ Academic Performance in Second Cycle of Primary Schools in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Volume 4 Issue 3
Endalsasa Belay Abitew
Pages: 403-419 Download Count : 13941 View Count: 6717 DOI Number . Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


The main purpose of this study was to investigate factors affecting female students’ academic performance in second cycle of primary schools in Bahir Dar City Administration. Descriptive survey research design was employed. Four second cycle primary public schools were selected through simple random sampling technique. Students, teachers, principals, supervisors and Bahir Dar City Administration Education Officials were the respondents of the study. Questionnaire, interview, FGD and observation were employed to collect the relevant data. To analyze the quantitative data, simple descriptive statistical techniques like frequencies and percentages were employed. To support the quantitative data, the qualitative data were also analyzed thematically. The result of the study showed that female students had less achieved in academic performance as compared with male students. Various factors like parents’ education level, school facilities, income level of parents, domestic workloads, school environment, attitude of the society towards female education were found to be the major factors determining the academic performance of female students. Since the factors affecting female students’ academic performance are emanated from different perspectives, the study recommends that the involvement of various stakeholders is needed in order to enhance the academic performance of female students.


  • Keywords: Female students
  • academic performance
  • primary schools
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