Easy Econometrics by Student Worksheet

Volume 3-Issue 3
Ni’matush Sholikhah Retno Mustika Dewi Waspodo Tjipto Subroto
Pages: 47-50 Download Count : 2713 View Count: 2738 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.418977 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


Students have difficulty in understanding Econometrics. Based on existing problems, needed a learning materials in the form of Worksheets based on Practice which is capable of supporting courses of Econometrics as well as being able to cultivate self-reliance in students. The purpose of this study is to describe (1) development of student activity sheets on teaching Econometrics, (2) the feasibility of the development of student activity sheets based on teaching Econometrics, (3) student learning outcomes after using Student worksheets based on practical Econometrics, and (4) the response of the students of Student-based teaching worksheets Econometrics. This research uses a type of research development by using 4 d approach (Four-D models). The products of this activity are embodied in materials in the form of worksheets students practical work-based, where in each of the basic skills that exist within the courses of Econometrics will be served content material, Practical tutorial with the help data processing software, as well as Practical case studies. Based on the review and validation of content and media expert expert each obtained a score of 31% and 35% with the criteria. Thus the student activity sheet-based practical feasibility in the process of teaching and learning activities.


  • Student Activity Sheet
  • Teaching Econometric.
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