An Examination of Creative Leadership Skills of Preschool Administrators and Teachers

Volume 7 Issue 3
Banu Dikmen Ada Rengin Zembat
Pages: 143-156 Download Count : 1247 View Count: 1784 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.980294 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


The purpose of this study is to determine whether creative leadership characteristics of administrators and teachers working at state and private preschools and institutions with a preschool vary based on their post types. A survey was conducted to examine the aforementioned relationship. The study group consisted of administrators and teachers working at state and private preschools and institutions with a preschool in central districts of Eskişehir. The study used the following data collection tools: ’Personal Information Form’ to gather information about demographic characteristics of administrators and teachers, and ’Creative Leadership Scale’ designed by the researcher to examine the creative leadership skills of administrators and teachers. The study results are as follows: exploratory factor analysis values for the Creative Leadership Scale (CLS) KMO=.964, x2 Bartlett’s test (5671) =40508,971 p=.000, and Cronbach alpha coefficient of the total scale is .986. The findings of the study revealed that there is a significant difference in favour of teachers in the scores from the scales and subscales of teachers and administrators according to their post types. It was observed that teachers’ characteristics in the scale and subscales are higher than the administrators


  • Creative leadership
  • preschool education
  • administrator
  • teacher
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